Personal, Social, Health Education and Citizenship
We place great importance on preparing children for their lives in our modern world as well as developing their health and wellbeing. PSHE enables our children to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes necessary to manage their lives, both in the present and the future.
At Woodbury C of E Primary School, we teach Personal, Social, Health Education as a whole-school approach to underpin children’s development as individuals because we believe that this also supports their learning capacity. We follow the Jigsaw Programme which offers us a comprehensive, carefully thought-through scheme of work which brings consistency and progression to our children’s learning in this vital curriculum area.
In our weekly PSHE lessons, we cover the same themes across the school each term, with clear progression between the year groups.
The topics are as follows:
Being Me in My World
Celebrating Differences
Dreams and Goals
Healthy Me
Changing Me (Including sex and relationships education)
PSHE beyond Jigsaw
We strive to ensure that the principles of PSHE underpin all that we do in school. Our school rules and values support our positive learning culture and all staff contribute to maintaining a nurturing and safe environment for our children to come into every day.
We take every opportunity to engage in activities and events that enrich our PSHE curriculum and provide valuable learning experiences for our children. Our curriculum is adaptive and we tailor it to meet the needs of the children in our care, adding in lessons to deal with grief, sun safety and family break up where necessary.
A group of Year 6 children are Mental Health Ambassadors and are running ‘The Feel Good Club’ to support the wellbeing of different year groups throughout the school.
We also welcome outside associations such as CAP and NSPCC when we learn about the PANTS rule and Speak out Stay Safe.
What do the pupils think?
“We like PSHE because it helps us to be calm” - Year 1 pupil
“PSHE makes me think more about my actions and how to be a better person” - Year 2 pupil
“PSHE is more open and you can really be yourself and speak your mind” - Year 4 pupil