Woodbury C of E Primary School

How to apply for a Preschool place

If you would like a place for your child at our Preschool, please complete the “Expression of interest” form in the first instance. Once your place has been allocated we will contact you to confirm details. You will be asked to complete a registration form and pay your deposit to secure your child’s space (which will be deducted from your first invoice)

If you would like any further details about our Preschool before applying, please do not hesitate to contact us for a chat or to book a show around visit.

Admissions checklist-

  • Contact the school, visit the setting, find out about us on our website
  • Complete and submit your “Expression of interest” form
  • Application decision will be notified to parents/carers
  • Complete full registration and pay securing deposit
  • Transition process begins – we will contact you about the arrangements

Expression of Interest form

Preschool Registration Form 24-25